Friday, August 8, 2008

MORE IMAGES FROM X-VILLE / Oil Paintings / 1985-2000

Here are more oils from my X-VILLE series about the future!

Some Owl People!..

Exterminators in the future get to chase down giant deadly bugs and spiders!

Rampaging Robot!

Military war practice range...

You'll be able to pour yourself a face if you need to. This guy wants to go out dancing!

Actually, she's the runner-up in a Mutant Beauty Contest!

This is a monster the CIA created, coming back to haunt them.

No, he ain't here!.. Now, git!!

Nice stealth bomber in the background - painting from 1987

Welcome to Earth!.. Spaceman!!


  1. These are awesome pictures! Keep posting the twisted coolness that is this blog!

  2. Hi Scott, no problem, possible 1000 more images! Stay tuned, will include music and more movie junk!
