Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Devil Robots / Vortex Comics #12 - 1986 / Cover & Story

1986 was a good year for me, and, to top it off, I got to do the cover and two stories for Vortex Comics #12! Hey, and, Brian Riedel also has a story in that issue!

Here's the color cover I did for my story THE DEVIL ROBOTS. I submitted the cover later, after they had already accepted the interior story. That ended up being a pretty good idea!

When it comes to comics, guys like me and Brian do everything ourselves... writing, layout, pencil, ink, lettering, coloring, etc., unlike those softies at Marvel and DC!!

Next are some choice panels from the 8 page story, the Vortex interior was printed in b+w. These pages are fairly unique in that I inked outlines and shaded everything in with black colored pencil, plus I used some Zipatone in places. I pasted in the word balloons later. I actually started this project in 1980.

I love these little worker-ant robots! And, they drool fluid!

I'm not showing that they are in one of a hundred other flying saucers from another galaxy, ready to invade Earth for it's energy!.. Each one has it's own giant energy absorber!

In 1999, there was a movie called THE IRON GIANT. There are some striking similiarities between it and my story in a few places. I believe that this comic may have inspired the writing of that movie!


  1. great stuff,man , could you put somewhere a bibliography or your published comics , please ?

  2. S.- I only have an old hard copy that's faded, so give me a week and I'll post the complete list!
